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Advice on funding for self-employed business

If you're ready to take the reins and start your own business, or perhaps looking to expand, there's probably a lot you need to do. Whether that's gathering funds to cover expenses or learning how to write a business strategy for planning your company’s growth.

Whatever it may be, understanding finance can help you get the right foundations in place for securing funding for self-employment.

Having a business on your own doesn’t mean you need to start from scratch. Or if you’ve tried to get funding for self-employment from traditional lenders and been turned away, don’t worry. There are business finance options available to kick-start your trade or grow an existing one.

Of course, financing your business's future involves risk and can be complex to navigate, and if you’re wondering where to start, you’re in the right place, as we’re here to help.

We can guide you on the self-employed funding options that might be a good fit for your venture, to make the process of building a business as simple as possible.

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Your funding for self-employed business options

There are several self-employment funding options available that can give your business a boost.

NPIF Smaller Loans II

Business loans from the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund (NPIF), to help you start-up




Get access to funding up to an agreed amount, which could be useful for a short-term boost to your cash flow.


Start-up loans


Personal loans designed to help new businesses start trading, from £500 to £25,000




Bootstrapping typically occurs when starting a business with little or no assets and allows the business to develop without sourcing external capital.

Ready to get your
finance journey started?

Here are some useful resources to help you secure finance and self-employed funding to get your business going.

Find the best options for your business with our quick and easy business support & funding finder

Answer a few simple questions, and we’ll give you the tools and information you need to navigate challenges and grow your business. 

Business Support & Funding Finder

This is information, not financial advice or recommendations

The content and materials featured or linked to are for your information and education only and are not intended to address your personal or business requirements. 

The information does not constitute financial advice or recommendation and should not be considered as such.

SimpliFi is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), its authors are not financial advisors, and it is therefore not authorised to offer financial advice. 

Do your own research and seek independent advice when required 

Always do your own research and seek independent financial advice when required. Any arrangement made between you and any third party named or linked to or from the site is at your sole risk and responsibility.

SimpliFi assumes no liability for your actions.