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Greater Manchester's green technology and services sector

Green Economy has published its new study of Greater Manchester’s green technologies and services sector finding that it could be worth £67.5m to the local economy, if investment is made into diversifying firms to renewable energy markets including biomass, wind and geothermal.  

It analyses the Green Technologies and Services sector which comprises the Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services Sector, as well as emerging technologies and services including hydrogen, district heating and climate adaption. This is the second study of the city-regions sector, following the last publication in 2018


View the highlights

View the video on the Green Economy YouTube channel

Key findings about Greater Manchester's green economy


FTE employees


of the GM business base


largest green economy outside of London and the South East


sector sales

Download the report

Executive Summary

Full Report

Growing your local green economy - intelligence for policymakers

Green Economy can provide intelligence on your local green economy, analysing the capabilities, size and scale of the local green supply chain to highlight opportunities for green growth and identify barriers impacting adoption at a local level. This vital data can inform economic development planning on your local transition to net zero.

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