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NPIF Funding

Investment from the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund (NPIF) is a business finance option that offers investment in exchange for a small ownership stake in the company.

What is the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund?

Backed by the government through the British Business Bank, Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund (NPIF) equity investment provides funding for small business start-ups and medium-sized businesses that are looking to grow.

In exchange for a portion of ownership in your business, NPIF funding is delivered in partnership with dedicated fund managers across the North of England.

Eligibility and exclusions

Any small business based in the North of England seeking investment to rapidly grow, including those seeking business funding in Manchester, can get funding from NPIF.

NPIF equity finance supports businesses that are in either the early or later stages of their growth journey.

Benefits and scenarios

NPIF equity finance is a great way to secure a
government-backed investment that is not debt

It gives you access to funding that cannot be
supported through debt-based products, like
commercial loans.


NPIF equity involves taking on external investors who
will want to have input in your business’ direction.
They’ll need to be seen as partners, so be ready to
compromise on some decisions.

Government funding also comes with extra scrutiny as
you’ll be funded by public money. 

Things you can use to
secure the finance

You’ll need to be prepared to give up some ownership in your business if you’re looking to secure NPIF funding.


Whilst there will always be exceptions to this, an equity stake of between 10% and 25% would be a reasonable expectation for an early-stage investment.

With a capable, experienced management team, it might well be that an investor can take a back seat and simply observe and monitor progress from a distance. However, where the management team is less experienced, the investor might feel the need to provide support or indeed, be asked to provide support. Most investors have experience in building companies and there is no doubt that early-stage businesses can benefit from this insight. An experienced investor will have also developed a network of valued contacts able to be brought in to provide specialist services across a wide range of disciplines.

Examples of support an investor might be able to provide or introduce are provided below: 

  • Active board participation
  • The imparting of investor knowledge
  • Recruitment strategy and implementation
  • Executive coaching
  • International expansion 
  • Development strategy
  • The creation of strategic and commercial partnerships
  • Help to raise capital
  • Assisting in the exit process

Think NPIF funding could be a good fit for you?

If you’re considering Northern Powerhouse Investment funding, get in touch with us today. One of our specialists will be able to advise you on how to get started with tailored advice for your business.

This is information, not financial advice or recommendations

The content and materials featured or linked to are for your information and education only and are not intended to address your personal or business requirements. 

The information does not constitute financial advice or recommendation and should not be considered as such.

SimpliFi is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), its authors are not financial advisors, and it is therefore not authorised to offer financial advice. 

Do your own research and seek independent advice when required 

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